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Aki Kokubunji-Temple

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Cultural property


平成11年2月18日指定 市重要文化財




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平成11年2月18日指定 市重要文化財



この護摩堂は、ほぼ20尺四方の平面を全面3間、側面を2間としたもので、桁行5.9メートル、梁間6.9メートルを測ります。背面には半間幅の下屋を付けています。 細部の意匠は、装飾的で地方色が強いものです。


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  • 護摩堂
  • 護摩堂
  • 護摩堂

薬師堂 薬師如来坐像

昭和60年3月24日 県重要文化財


顔の長さは、47センチメートルとかなり大きく、仏様の特徴である相が表されています。 すなわち、頭頂部には悟りの証である肉が隆起した肉髻。 頭全体は知恵の象徴である螺髪。 額の中央には光明を放つ白毫。目は彫眼で、唇を引き締めた顔の表情は力強く感じられます。 広く万民の悩みを聞くため耳は長大で、耳たぶには穴が開いており、首は二筋のしわを横に入り三道を表しています。


  • 木造薬師如来坐像
  • 木造薬師如来坐像
  • 木造薬師如来坐像
  • 木造薬師如来坐像

本堂 薬師如来坐像

昭和53年11月15日 市重要文化財





  • 薬師如来坐像
  • 薬師如来坐像
  • 御本尊:薬師如来 次回の御開帳は2038年です。
  • 御真言:オン コロコロ センダリ マトウギ ソワカ

参考資料 安芸国分寺の文化財(建物)

参考資料 安芸国分寺の文化財(仏像)

Nio-mon gate

Municipally designated as Important Cultural Property of Higashi-Hiroshima City in February 18, 1999.

Kokubun-ji Nio-mon gate is typical eight pillared gate. Ridge direction is 5.4 meter, and span is 3.1 meter. Columns are all round, and doors are hanged facing the street. Nio Guardian are settled at the back of both side, and front space is floor mold which was used for place of worship for Nio Guardian. This style was used for Nio mon gates built in middle age. Also, the style of the gate is quite simple which is ship-shaped ancones are settled on.

At first, the material of the roof was considered thatched or cypress bark roof. In Meiji period, it was changed into clay Sangawara tile roofing and had been rethatched until the present. Materials of the door was made in Edo period, and above the roof and rafter is made with modern materials. Columns and ship shaped ancones are original. It has been restored on several occasions overtime. It is regarded that it was built around mid-16th century considering deterioration and its design.

It is the only large scale medieval age building existing in Higashi-Hiroshima city and very valuable

In addition, 30 koku(1 koku = 180.39L) was given from Mori clan to akikokubunji in Bunnroku period , from 1592-95 according to『八箇国御時代分限帳』

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  • 仁王門
  • 仁王門

Goma-do hall

Municipally designated as Important Cultural Property of Higashi-Hiroshima City in February 18th, 1999.

In Goma ritual, small pieces of wood are burnt and offerings are presented to a principal image of Buddha. The purpose is to practice and to pray for destroying negative energies, detrimental thoughts and desires we have.

Asano family’ crest is attached on Chubi as Hiroshima feudal lord use to offer fervent prayers for curing disease and continued luck in the fortunes of war at Kokubun-ji Goma-do hall.

Rear face lean-to Detailed design is decorative and reflecting local character.
Architectural style is mainly Chinese, but Japanese style is used on form of the bracket and inner coffered ceiling.

It is considered that it was built during late 18th century to early 19th century due to its design. Also, it is one of the largest architecture in this region that applied solid and decorative design in latter Edo period.

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  • 護摩堂
  • 護摩堂
  • 護摩堂

Yakushido Seated statue of Yakushi Nyorai

Municipally designated as Important Cultural Property of Higashi-Hiroshima City in February 18th, 1999.

YakushiNyorai (Medicine Buddha) is Buddha who made The Twelve Vows including healing disease and giving comfort in life. Since the old time, people have prayed to YakushiNyorai especially curing illness of body and mind,

This wooden seated statue of Yakushi Nyorai is settled in Yakushido. It is hanjuroku-zo (statue is considered to be a half scale) and was carved from a single piece of wood. Seating height is 4 shaku (approximately 120cm).
The length of the face is 47cm and rather long. Also, special features of Buddha statue are represented. These are; Protrusion on top of Buddha’s head, which represents enlightenment, Crinkly hair of Buddha to represents Wisdom, Whorl of white hair on the forehead of Buddha that emits light. Eyes are curved directly, and lips are tightened and the facial feature is powerful. Big ears are for listening whole nation’s distress, and there are holes on ear lobe, there are two lines on the neck that express the three realms.
The body is rather flat without thickness of chest and belly, and looks slightly solid. Many Nyorai statues in this era are wearing Buddhist priest’s stole which is one piece of fabric wrapped around the body in this era. However, this statue is wearing “Tsuken” which is the Chinese style, two pieces of fabrics are wrapping the shoulder. There is a medicine bottle on the left hand.
The statue is sitting with Lotus position. Height is 130cm, knee 100cm.
The Halo is round and settled behind the head, and there is a simple lotus flower pattern inside it. The pedestal is lotus seat. There is no petal

This Yakushi Nyorai statue had been repaired many times due to fire on several occasions. It was totally carbonized but was restored to its former state in 1999. It was created on latter Heian period using Fujiwara pattern, and has been watching the history of this temple.

  • 木造薬師如来坐像
  • 木造薬師如来坐像
  • 木造薬師如来坐像
  • 木造薬師如来坐像

Hondo Seated statue of Yakushi Nyorai

Municipally designated as Important Cultural Property of Higashi-Hiroshima City in November 15th, 1978.

It is the principal image of Buddha of this temple, and was crafted using yosegi-zukuri technique. It is settled in a miniature shrine in a main hall. It is unveiled once in 33 years.

The face is rather long, and there are protrusion on top a head and has crinkly hair. There is no whorl of white hair on the forehead. Eyes are curved directly with a unique technique, and there is only one line on the neck that seems expressing only two realms.
It has low shoulder, but chest and belly are thick, and the body is rather big compare to the head. It is wearing “Tsuken” two pieces of fabrics are wrapping the shoulder. There is a medicine bottle on the left hand.
It is sitting with Lotus position, but legs are rather flat and thin. Height is 127cm, 104cm. The Halo is round and settled behind the head, and there is a simple lotus flower pattern inside it. The pedestal is lotus seat, and is similar to wooden seated Yakushi nyorai statue which is municipally designated important cultural properties of Hiroshima prefecture.

Kanzan Nosaka described in 「Geibi daicho gaisi (unofficial history of Geibi) that temple buildings in Kokubunji were all burnt except for Nio-mon gate on April 1st in 1753. According to the inscription on a pedestal, only the head was safe and rescued when the fire occurred, and the statue was repaired with the head by Iori Toyofusa Yamaguchi, a Buddhist statue sculptor from Kyoto, next year. For that reason, coloring of the head and other body parts are different, and the thickness of wrists are different. Also, it is considered that the pedestal and halo were repaired at the same time. Therefore, the head of this statue a

  • 薬師如来坐像
  • 薬師如来坐像
  • Principal image: Yakushi Nyorai. Next unveiling will be in 2038.
  • Mantra: On korokoro sendari matougi sowaka




Aki Kokubunji
